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Weekly Traffic Summary, klik di sini
Tutored by Drs. Noersal Samad, MA
01) Introduction
02) NTO services
03) Travel Information
04) Transportation
05) Tourist Areas
06) Touring in __________________
07) Convention Facilities
08) Sporting Facilities
09) General Information
10) Maps and Tables
11) Distances and Routes
3. Travel Information
[ ] How to get to___________
[ ] Passports and visas
[ ] Visitors
[ ] Students
[ ] Transit
[ ] Health Requirements
[ ] Smallpox
[ ] Cholera
[ ] Yellow fever
[ ] Exemption
[ ] Plant and animal quarantine
[ ] Customs
[ ] Goods – Free of duty
[ ] Other concessions
[ ] Restricted goods
[ ] Prohibited goods
[ ] Currency
[ ] Import of currency
[ ] Export of currency
[ ] Exchange rates
[ ] Budget Travel Opportunities
[ ] domestic travel
[ ] By air
[ ] By rail
[ ] By road
[ ] By sea
[ ] Travel Agents in ______________
4. Transportation
[ ] Air services to ______________
[ ] Overland services to __________
[ ] International shipping to________
[ ] Rail travel to ________________
[ ] Domestic
[ ] Air services in _______________
[ ] Regional services
[ ] Local feeder services
[ ] Air charter
[ ] Railways in __________________
[ ] Road services in _______________
[ ] Interstate services
[ ] Coastal shipping services
[ ] Rent-a-car services
[ ] Caravan rental
[ ] Domestic services in ___________________
[ ] Intercapital travel – Journey time – comparisons
Capital city
City to Road-Miles Jet-Time Rail-Time Coach-Time
[ ] Air services
[ ] Luggage allowance
[ ] Transfers
[ ] main domestic air services
[ ] Flight details:
from To IATA Miles/Kilometers Class $ Flight Time
[ ] Local Feeder Airlines
Ports of Call Operator
[ ] Air Charter
State Company Address
[ ] Rates
[ ] Rent-A-Car services
[ ] Operator
[ ] Fares
Type of Vehicles AVIS
Per day Per week Mileage
[ ] Special Economy Arrangements
[ ] General Conditions of Hire
[ ] Age
[ ] Deposit
[ ] License
[ ] Insurance
[ ] Petrol
[ ] Extras (radio, roof-rack, etc..)
[ ] Delivery
[ ] Rent it here – Leave there
[ ] High season rate
[ ] Commission
[ ] Bookings
[ ] Drive yourself
[ ] Operator
[ ] Rates
5. Tourist Areas
[ ] How to get there
[ ] Accommodation
[ ] Climate and what to wear
[ ] what to see and do
[ ] Wining and dinning
[ ] Entertainment
[ ] Banking
[ ] Shopping
Recorded Information Services
[ ] Boating weather phone:
[ ] City theatre programs
[ ] Daily bible reading
[ ] News
[ ] Stock exchange reports
[ ] Time
[ ] Tourist information
[ ] Weather
6. Touring in __________________
[ ] Itinerary
[ ] Map
[ ] Duration
[ ] Beat time
7. Convention Facilities
[ ] Convention Venues
[ ] Table of major convention centre
Venue Name/Address/ Phone No./ Cables
No. of Convention Rooms
Number of People
No. of beds
8. Sporting Calendar
Month Main Events
Sporting Facilities
[ ] Sports for the spectator
[ ] Horse racing
[ ] Greyhound racing
[ ] Motor racing
[ ] Football
[ ] Cricket
[ ] Boxing and wrestling
[ ] Fishing
Off-shore fishing time table
Month Area Port species
[ ] Maps
[ ] Points for guidance of travel agents
[ ] What species do clients want to catch?
[ ] What is more important?
[ ] Salt water – bait
[ ] Small size but plentiful
[ ] Range of species
[ ] How do they want to fish?
[ ] Salt water – bait
[ ] Fresh water
[ ] In boat fishing
[ ] How many in party?
[ ] How many want to fish?
[ ] In off-shore salt water fishing
[ ] what sort of tackle
[ ] heavy 130Lb – 80Lb
[ ] medium 50Lb – 30Lb
[ ] light 20Lb – 12Lb
[ ] salt water spinning
[ ] Experience of clients, if any
[ ] Boats for charter
[ ] Golf
Name Location Length Par
[ ] Size
[ ] Public golf courses
[ ] Private golf club
[ ] Green fees
[ ] Skiing
[ ] Snow resorts
Resort Height Accommodation Average skitarif season
[ ] Water Sports
[ ] Water skiing
[ ] Boating and yachting
[ ] Sailing
[ ] Surfing
[ ] Swimming
[ ] Skin diving
[ ] Spear fishing
[ ] Rates
[ ] Tennis
[ ] Tournament month
[ ] Facilities
[ ] Rates
[ ] Contact address/ phone
[ ] Court hire
[ ] weekdays
[ ] Sunday
[ ] Lawn bowls
[ ] Club address
[ ] Hunting
Month Open season for
[ ] Pheasant shooting
[ ] Property
[ ] Gun dogs
[ ] fees
[ ] Address
[ ] Safari and safari camps
[ ] target shooting
[ ] Trail Ridding
[ ] Where
[ ] Rates
[ ] Hourly
[ ] Fullday with guide
[ ] Booking
[ ] Commission
[ ] Athletics
[ ] Other Sports
[ ] Squash
[ ] Ten-pin-bowling
[ ] Archery
[ ] Badminton
[ ] Ice-skating
[ ] Hockey
[ ] Canoeing
[ ] Table-tennis
[ ] Fencing
[ ] Basket-ball
[ ] Cycling
[ ] Volley-ball
9. General Information
[ ] Climate
[ ] Tipping
[ ] Medical Services
[ ] Taxation
[ ] Local Times
[ ] Bringing out a car
[ ] Outback motoring
[ ] Coming events
[ ] Public Hollidays
[ ] Photographic supplies
[ ] Electricity
[ ] Youth hostelling
[ ] Best time to visit main tourist areas
[ ] Climatical statistics table
[ ] World time in relation to _____________
[ ] Climatical Statistics
Season Average
Months Max. Min. Sun
[ ] Bringing Out a car
[ ] Space Booking
[ ] Documentation
[ ] Customs documents
[ ] Bill of lading, etc..
[ ] Insurance
[ ] removal of dirt deposits
[ ] Delivery of vehicles to dockside
[ ] Disconnecting batteries
[ ] Drainage of fuel tanks
[ ] Freight Rates—Cubic feet
[ ] Landing Cost
[ ] Outback Motoring
[ ] Do’s
[ ] Don’t’s
[ ] History, Bibliography and Politics
[ ] Film
Brand Availability Distributor
[ ] Cameras and fittings
10. Maps and Tables
[ ] Country Map
[ ] City Map
[ ] Touring Map
11. Distance & Routes
[ ] Air Routes
[ ] International Shipping Routes
[ ] Main air Routes – Mileages – times
[ ] Local feeder Airline Services
[ ] Main Railways
[ ] Principal Highways
[ ] Coastal Shipping Routes
01) uraian tugas (tasks),
02) pengetahuan umum mendasar (general and essential) terpadu dengan pengetahuan khusus penunjang profesi (fully integrated with specialized professional knowledge),
03) ketrampilan (skills),
04) kemampuan (abilities),
05) kegiatan kerja (work activities),
06) kaitan kerja (work context),
07) minat (interest) dan
08) nilai/ethos kerja (work values).
NOTE: Bahan pelajaran yang berbahasa Inggris, bersumber dari internet, akan dijelaskan dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dengan harapan para peserta mampu mendapatkan Sertifikat Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional
Kegunaan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia
Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia yang telah disusun dan telah mendapatkan pengakuan oleh para pemangku kepentingan akan dirasa bermanfaat apabila telah terimplementasi secara konsisten.
Standar Kompetensi Kerja digunakan sebagai acuan untuk :
* Menyusun uraian pekerjaan.
* Menyusun dan mengembangkan program pelatihan dan sumber daya manusia.
* Menilai unjuk kerja seseorang.
* Sertifikasi profesi di tempat kerja.
Dengan dikuasainya kompetensi sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan maka seseorang mampu :
* Mengerjakan suatu tugas atau pekerjaan.
* Mengorganisasikan agar pekerjaan dapat dilaksanakan.
* Menentukan langkah apa yang harus dilakukan pada saat terjadi sesuatu yang berbeda dengan rencana semula.
* Menggunakan kemampuan yang dimilikinya untuk memecahkan masalah atau melaksanakan tugas dengan kondisi yang berbeda
Kode : Kode unit diisi dan ditetapkan dengan mengacu pada format kodifikasi SKKNI.
Judul : Mendefinisikan tugas/pekerjaan suatu unit kompetensi yang menggambarkan sebagian atau keseluruhan standar kompetensi.
Deskripsi Unit : Menjelaskan Judul Unit yang mendeskripsikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam mencapai standar kompetensi
Elemen Kompetensi : Mengidentifikasi tugas-tugas yang harus dikerjakan untuk mencapai kompetensi berupa pernyataan yang menunjukkan komponen- komponen pendukung unit kompetensi sasaran apa yang harus dicapai .
Kriteria Unjuk Kerja : Menggambarkan kegiatan yang harus dikerjakan untuk memperagakan kompetensi di setiap elemen, apa yang harus dikerjakan pada waktu menilai dan apakah syarat-syarat dari elemen dipenuhi.
Batasan Variabel : Ruang lingkup, situasi dan kondisi dimana kriteria unjuk kerja diterapkan. Mendefinisikan situasi dari unit dan memberikan informasi lebih jauh tentang tingkat otonomi perlengkapan dan materi yang mungkin digunakan dan mengacu pada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan, termasuk peraturan dan produk atau jasa yang dihasilkan.
Panduan Penilaian : Membantu menginterpretasi- kan dan menilai unit dengan mengkhususkan petunjuk nyata yang perlu dikumpulkan, untuk memperagakan kompetensi sesuai tingkat keterampilan yang digambarkan dalam kriteria unjuk kerja, yang meliputi :
- Pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang yang dibutuhkan untuk seseorang dinyatakan kompeten pada tingkatan tertentu.
- Ruang lingkup pengujian menyatakan dimana, bagaimana dan dengan metode apa pengujian seharusnya dilakukan.
- Aspek penting dari pengujian menjelaskan hal-hal pokok dari pengujian dan kunci pokok yang perlu dilihat pada waktu pengujian.
Kompetensi kunci : Keterampilan umum yang diperlukan agar kriteria unjuk kerja tercapai pada tingkatan kinerja yang dipersyaratkan untuk peran / fungsi pada suatu pekerjaan.
Kompetensi kunci meliputi:
- Mengumpulkan, mengorganisir dan menganalisa informasi.
- Mengkomunikasikan ide-ide dan informasi.
- Merencanakan dan mengorganisir aktivitas-aktivitas.
- Bekerja dengan orang lain dan kelompok.
- Menggunakan ide-ide dan teknik matematika.
- Memecahkan masalah.
- Menggunakan teknologi.
Is there a place for you in the travel and tourism industry? We at GLOBAL TRAVEL BUSINESS & EDUCATION CENTRE and 1st Class Travel & Tourism Academy are certain there is. whether you're changing careers or looking for a new job, travel and tourism will offer you possibilities like no other. Here are seven reasons that a job in travel and tourism might be right for you:
1. The possibility of your achieving a fulfilling career is excellent. According to many estimates, travel and tourism has become the world's biggest industry. That means jobs - and plenty of them. And though there have been occasional downturns in the travel industry's "health", it inevitably bounces back - and quickly, too.
2. The choices you have are nearly endless. Touring, lodging, hospitality services, air travel, cruising, destination promotion, airport operations, theme parks - all these sectors and more provide hundreds of thousands of travel jobs, each unique, each potentially rewarding.
3. The perks are great. Travel professionals typically receive major discounts for their own travel. And at GLOBAL TRAVEL BUSINESS & EDUCATION CENTRE and 1st Class Travel & Tourism Academy we teach you all sorts of "insider information" that will help you travel better, even if you choose not to pursue a career in the business.
4. You can make a difference. Travel - especially leisure travel - helps people learn about other cultures, grow in their understanding of the world and fulfill their dreams. It has a more measurable effect, too, providing vital economic support to thousands of places and creating enormous economic success. In many ways, tourism has become a critical force for world peace. Few industries can make that claim.
5. You can get ahead fast. If you have talent, energy and a good work ethic, promotions will probably come swiftly to you. The travel industry provides a wide-open path for career advancement, especially in those sectors that are growing rapidly and for employees who are committed to hard work. And if you're an entrepreneur, you'll find plenty of opportunities in travel for achievement and success.
6. It's flexible. Many jobs in travel are very flexible. Tens of thousands of travel professionals now work from home or work hours that fit their personal schedules.
7. It's fun. Travel and tourism is exciting, gratifying and immensely enjoyable. As with any job, though, the demands can be challenging. But these are often offset by the simple fact that travel and tourism is one of the most wonderful industries around.
So your interest in travel and tourism is well placed. After all, what other product or service conjures such wondrous images of exotic places, exciting, activities, fascinating cultures and extraordinary challenges? It's a great business. And GLOBAL TRAVEL BUSINESS & EDUCATION CENTRE and 1st Class Travel & Tourism Academy can help you be a part of it.
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Mengingat jumlah peminat yang begitu besar, saya mohon maaf atas pembatasan jumlah peserta yang akan diterima. Pendaftaran ditutup beberapa hari sebelum peluncuran!
Terima kasih atas kesedian Anda mendaftar segera ….. supaya anda tidak kecewa.
-------------------- N. S. ----------------------